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Химические и минеральные добавки в цементы и бетоны - Синайко Н.П.


1.    Batrakov V.G. Modified concretes. M. 1999

2.    Concrete Admixtures Handbook. Properties, Science and technology. Edited
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3.    Usherov-Marshak A.V., Sopov V.P. Microstructure of cement stone. // Colloid Journal, Vol.59, №6, 1997, pp.

4.    Usherov-Marshak A.V., Sopov V.P., Kurdowski W. Studies of capillary
porosity of clinker phases during hydration. // Journal of thrmal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 55 (1999), pp.

5.    Ramsden E.N. А-Level
Chemistry. Leningrad: “Chemie”, 1989. - 784 p.

6.    Metha P. Concrete. Structure, Properties, and Materials. Prentice-Hall,
Inc., Englewood Cliffs, 1986. -450 p.

Usherov-Marshak A., Sopov V., LihopudA. *, Sinayko N.*

Kharkov state technical university of
building and architecture, Kharkiv, Ukraine,

Zaporigge, Ukraine



Despite of absence of unified
views about the frost attack mechanism, the explorers converge in judgement,
that one of the most dangerous causes is the crystallisation of pore solution.
It is accompanying with increase of a volume and play role of an internal
pressure source. There are two principled methods of a decrease of danger of
this effect. One is connected to a decrease of temperature of phase transition
with the help of anti-frost admixtures. Other - with a decrease of quantity of
refrigerated water by maintenance of concreting at early stages at positive
temperatures. Necessity of the introducing of anti-frost admixtures in large
concentrations - one of the most essential lacks of conventional methods. In
the given contribution the mining of the complex admixture for winter concreting
is esteemed, which one consists of three personal components. The chemical
interplay of components at mixing in different mutual concentrations stipulates
wobble of final effect of the component. The problem of compatibility of
components is resolved by a semigraphical way on an original technique.

name=bookmark44>1.  Introduction

There is no
uniform sight on the mechanism of frosty action on hardening concrete.
Crystallization of a porous liquid is one of the reasons of destruction of
concrete /1,2 / which is accompanied by increase of volume and plays a role of
an internal source of pressure/3/.

chemical admixtures are the most efficient means of elimination or decrease of
influence of frosty influence on hydration and gelation /4/. They allow to
lower freezing temperature of mixing water and to intensify concreting cement 151. Concentration
of traditional chemical admixtures on environment of temperature changes from 3
up to 10 % from weight of cement.